
DAY25(日本語/my english/deepl english)

今日は一日の多くを勉強に費やすことが出来た。 I could spend much time for studying today. I was able to spend much time for studying today. 午前中は8時に勉強を始めることが出来て、スティーブジョブズのスピーチを聞いたり、その中で出てきた単語…


REVIEW with Deepl!! 今日はIntroduction Mecanique Quantique の授業が2コマあって、1つは講義でもう1つが演習の授業だった。 I had two "Introduction Mecanique Quantique" classes today, one was an exercise and the other was a lecture class. Berna…


Today I had 2 classes of "Introduction Mecanique Quantique". The first one was exercise, and the other was lecture. The professer kindly care about me, it really help me to be there. Contents are almostly tha same as I learned in Japan, so…

DAY 23

突然ですが英語のwritingの練習として日記を書き始めます! 三日坊主で終わらないようになるべく長く頑張ります。。。笑 All of a sudden, I'm going to start writing a diary to practice my English writing! I'll try my best to keep it up for as long…